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Get our 51-State Insurance Bulletin Alert Tracking System Today!

End multi-state Web surfing, phone calls, snail mail, and email alerts today!

Submit a Review
My company gets a lot of peace of mind for a nominal yearly subscription fee. We call it the Redbox of compliance. Keep up the good work!
-- AVP

Got a free trial for my four-person compliance team and they loved the product relative to products from other competitors. So, it was a no-brainer to subscribe.
-- VP

The low price for this service seemed too good to be true. However, I've been using the service for over 10 years now and it has been consistently reliable in tracking compliance material in all 51 states.
-- Director

For a while, I had been looking for vendors that tracked DOI bulletins in all states. I saw and sampled a few, besides this one. However, none of them measured up to with its reports and analytics (which is huge now). With the analytics, we can see and predict trends and the extent of regulation in states we write business.
-- Manager

If you're on the fence about subscribing, request a free trial. You won't be disappointed in what you'll get if you're a true compliance professional. -- Compliance Specialist

My company gets calls and offers of free demos from a lot of compliance-related vendors. So, it can be overwhelming to figure out which vendor to choose. While this service doesn't track bills or laws (which we get from another company), it's a nice and cheap regulatory add-on to our existing compliance suite.
-- President

This service is a great compliance "SUPPLEMENT" that doesn't stretch our budget.
-- Legal Specialist

I actually unsubscribed when I got the free trial reports thinking it was just useless junk mail. Later on, when my boss told me that we needed to start tracking insurance bulletins in the states we wrote business in based on a market conduct fine, I remembered getting an email from this service and decided to check it out and get a free two-week trial. I loved the service and became a full subscriber.
-- VP, Legal

An affordable service with actual reports I can save and email plus ANALYTICS and other features for 51 states. Wow!!!
-- Regulatory Specialist

Select A Plan

 One-Year Subscription


Two-Day Web Pass


One-Week Web Pass


Free Two-Week Trial


Minimized fines





19+ Years of DOI bulletins


Date of issue reports





State reports


Cumulative indices


Emailable reports





Analytics reports


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